Friday, August 29, 2003

received word this morning that my grandfather passed away last night. i'm sad about that, but really happy for the visit we had about a month ago. we took tyler with us and it seemed that he was the catalyst to make my granddad come alive. it was the first time any of us had seen him smile and laugh in years. we are so grateful for that one last experience - we will certainly talk about it for a long time.

it's a nice reminder that God is a good and loving God.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

ok so i decide to work late tonight to try to help some aging company pc's. i'm embarassed to even mention how bad they are being that i have mentioned the new G5 in an earlier writing. anyway, you know the phrase no good deed goes unpunished? well i'm praying that tomorrow doesn't prove that true for me.

have a great day! -Kerry

need money

ok, i know this sounds like a joke, but i am looking for an investor or a company with $25M to buy out a wireless cellular business partnership. seriously if you know someone that may have any interest in something like this please contact me.


Saturday, August 23, 2003

i'm considering opening an apple account to purchase a new G5.

i'm having pc problems again. -yuk
this is something you don't see everyday - we took a little trip to amarillo last week and stopped by the infamous cadillac ranch on historic route 66. it's worth a look but you're probably more likely to be abducted by aliens than have a good reason to go to amarillo, that is of course unless you are on your way out of texas to go to the mountains. :)

new day at clay street

i'm getting excited about some changes coming down the line at clay street community. for starters we finally have folks ready to listen to a small group of us and allow us to move according to our convictions and not theirs. although i must say that we have no desire to do anything contrary to the stated vision statement, just carry it out in a little different way. ok, so it's not that different, but at the moment any change is good.

before i write any more i must admit that none of these things are our own, but a resemblance of what those that have come before us envisioned (their links are to the right). part of me is sad that this seems like too little too late and that i could still see nathan, shannon, stacy, and lora each week as i enter into worship, but then i see the austin community that has been developed and i know that they have done so much more for so many more people. anyway all that to say these are idea evolved from their connection with the father and community, not ours.

the big thing i am excited about is the evening format change. currently it is typically 20 mins worship, 45 mins or longer of preaching, and a closing song - standard modern linear design. the first change will be to "limit" to preaching to around 15 or 20 mins, close and then move to a time of food and discussion time. it is very evident that the corporate community has been a big draw and lately we are having to chase folks out of the building long after anything has officially stopped. sometimes then they move to the parking lot or playground and talk for hours. this is the time when meaningful community / ministry can happen and we are missing it. we have been placing all the evangelistic eggs in the sermon basket and truthfully it has been a bad investment (speaking for nite service only - i have not attended a morn service in quite a while).

anyway this is only the first step to get away from the central piece of the evening pie being the preaching part. preachers if you happen to stop by and read this, i mean no disrespect, but for the most part the content is irrelevant even though in another setting it would be received with accolades and it is not presented very well to the audience - just b/c you add a video clip of braveheart speaking about something coming out of his arse doesn't fix all the problems. it just makes everyone remember that they heard the word ass in church and that we showed part of a rated R movie during the sermon.

please pray with us as we strive to allow the father to direct our steps on this journey. we are not bitter young adults trying to cause problems, but are leaders who want to be obedient to help an organization carry out the great commission to a community.

now i have to go clean out my garage. Blessings, kerry

Friday, August 22, 2003

ok so i finally watched queer eye for the straight guy last night. it was actually an enjoyable show except for the fact that i guess you have to be gay to have any fashion sense. hmmm, not sure how i feel about that and i thought that queer was a bad word. oh well, so much for my subscription to GQ.

i did hear a guy on fox news this morning say "be retro - go hetero." hmmm (once again).

:) Kerry

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

while following endless random links i found this pic on a site. thanks michelle for reminding me how much i used to be an x file fan. btw her site is excellent!

another tylerism

tyler and i went to get ice cream tonight and on the way back he mentioned that the birds have been leaving him a feather in the yard each morning as he goes off to school. how cool and fantastical this is, i thought...until i saw the yard.

you see we have two large bird feeders hanging from the tree in our yard and our neighbor faithfully fills them each morning at dawn (another cool story) and apparently there is at least one neighborhood cat with a full stomach.

have a great week!

Monday, August 18, 2003

i was going through some old files tonight and came across this picture - sorry carl - it was just way too funny. carl is our drummer at clay street and a firm believer that trucks are capable of anything, except swimming.

Friday, August 01, 2003

what stays consistent by constantly changing? i am looking for a name for something. really, this is not a riddle although it could be. email me if you want the full crazy story.

peace and blessings!