Friday, December 27, 2002

shame on you, kerry

i was just listening to some messages from a guy named j john from across the pond somewhere and i got excited about what he said. long story short - he said he had shown movies (of which one was The Godfather) during several church services and more people came to Christ during the "movie services" than all the other services of the year combined.

the reason this was interesting to me was that before our great exodus from the little local church, this idea had been brought to the leadership board about a movie night. this was not to be during the service mind you, but a separate evening. the answer received was "no, that is too secular of a thing for a church to do" and the idea was scrapped.

i guess you can draw your own conclusions, but apparently those of us with the movie idea were not too far off base as we were led to believe. thanks for the affirmation j john.