Tuesday, July 13, 2004

nada mucho

not a whole lot has been happening the last few days, but i'll tell you anyway so you don't call and yell at me...

had a planning meeting with the church and school folks. it was pretty non-eventful until i told the church that they needed to allow parents to photograph their kids during the service if they ask them to participate. in the past, whenever the school kids sang or did a christmas program, the parents were told repeatedly that no photography was allowed during the service. all this did was enrage the parents and some have vowed to never come back. i tried to explain to the lutherans that before you can share the love of christ, they probably should show a little love and let a camera find its way into the service. after all, one of the biggest ways to the parents are through the kids. they seemed to get it toward the end.

noticed the isuzu had a bad water leak which made it look like it was bleeding to death in my driveway. its still in the shop. it may be expensive.

found out that the sinkhole in the parking lot of the phone company is growing larger. how cool is that? i'll see if i can get some pics up so you guys can see. if you are driving around with nothing to do, stop by the back of the lot at the 955 building and take a look. you could also jump up and down on it and see if you can make it larger. no joke, it's kinda fun, well i do live a simple life.

fire marshal just showed up at work. no biggee there.