it really is fun to see an idea develop among a faith community and then find that someone else has already gone there and prepared the way.
last night our community/family group got together to discuss vision. it was completely fascinating to see the vision develop as one person would talk and another person's face would light up because they had a similar idea. God at work.
today at the phone company, i was reading the new articles on gink and i found one that was exactly what we were discussing - church, in a p2p context. apparently i am not the first to want a church/community with 1/3 less calories, most of which being the established leadership hierarchy. i'm not looking for someone to control me - rather i'm looking for someone to empower me to cut loose - to step out into the darkness and be guided by only the light of the Father. this concept of p2p communities is exciting and i look forward to developing community with folks anywhere in the world that want to be a part of it.
back to gink to read some more stuff. Blessings!!!