as believers, can we learn to see things as they truely are, but pray for things to be as they should? you know if something looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck - then don't call it a rabbit. if a rabbit is what you believe it should be, then pray for a rabbit, but don't just ignore the duck and pretend he's a rabbit.
this probably doesn't make any sense at all...
if it's dark in your house you turn the light on, right? if it's cold outside you put on a jacket. you don't sit in the dark and talk about how nice the wall paper is - hello, you can't see it in the dark! let's don't do the same in our families, churches, ministries or whatever God has called each of us to do. if something is broke - acknowledge it through prayer and with your prayer community. pray for it to be fixed or for you to see it in a different light. pray for the glory of the Father to make it's presence known in the situation you are in.
last thought - if your ministry is visible to others and they know it's broke, be real and acknowledge the situation. bring those people in while you are trying to fix it and allow them to be a part of God's resolution. don't wait to reach them until everything is perfect and don't pretend like everything already is perfect while you're reaching them. show your faults so that the Father may be glorified through you. ...and keep praying.