Friday, November 15, 2002

so what do you do? you see a whole group of folks that are are blinded by the light of mediocrity - as if that was really a light? come on! taste and see that the Lord is real - and that the Lord is good! quit buying meals that have sat under the heat lamp way too long. quit buying meals that have sat under a heat lamp at all! get real, get dirty, pull the charcoal out and light a fire.

do we as believers have to follow someone else's vision where they are the hero and we fulfill their dreams and hopefully somewhere along the way we get to do something for God too? why, when we are obedient to follow the Father do we get criticized because we didn't check in with the local clergy first. in the great spiritual pyramid, doesn't God sit up top somewhere? or was he supposed to check in with the local clergy too?

no more middle ground, no more ruts, no more be careful what you say, no more inquisitional tongue lashings for agendas that i don't support and never will.

you will turn back to Me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers! -the writings of jeremiah