Tuesday, July 20, 2004

what else

i went to the eye doc today so he could take a look at what's going on with my eyesight.  it's been bothering me a little lately and i wanted to make sure that all was ok. everything seemed ok, but i still left with my first ever script for glasses. now mind you these are computer glasses, not reading glasses - there is a difference - probably not in the frames or lenses or cost, but they certainly are different.
i add this insult to my experience last night while working at my computer at home i noticed that one of my toenails decided to part ways with the rest of his toenail friends. i didn't feel anything or notice anything, it was just here one min and gone the next. sooo...does anyone out there want to give me a heads up on what to expect next. will i awake with one less appendage anytime in the near future or anything bad like that???? gee, it sucks to get old.