Tuesday, August 03, 2004

show me your power

you know part of my frustration with the local christian community is that i really don't know anyone that is experiencing the abundant life that we are supposed to have in christ and most of the churches in town have no real energy or excitement. not talking about music, there's good worship in the town, but the overall power of god is just not there. now i'm not talking about hope, i know a bunch of folks that have that, otherwise none of us would have made it this far. i'm talking about the stuff jesus talks about in the gospels. i'm just not one to believe that all of that was only for that period of time. i really think that would be clear in his teaching if that was the case.

the other thing is that we all say that we want the holy spirit to come in power and wonder and all that stuff but we freak out when anything outside of regular mundane church life happens. i'm as guilty as anyone on that - but not anymore.

i've reached a point in my walk with christ that i want to stop trying to understand him in physical human terms - admit it, that's what we do most of the time as believers - and allow him to be whatever he is, in whatever that looks like. i'm not sure where this will take us but dianna and i are committed to traveling this path. as i learn more i'll pass it along, but in the mean time i'm gonna put myself in a place where god can speak to me and through me in new ways.

oh, by the way...none of this involves us drinking any specialty Kool-Aid. more to come