Sunday, August 08, 2004

when heaven invades earth

i just finished a book by bill johnson called when heaven invades earth. it is about the miraculous power of God coming to our everyday lives. it was completely liberating because many of my frustrations with the church, for a long time, were dealt with. i sincerely feel that as believers we have adopted an non-biblical tradition and teaching because we suck when it comes to experiencing the power of God. face it, we do and we have. to put it differently, i am so glad that i came to know christ at an early age, because the traditional modern day baptist church on every corner or the post-modern wanna be warehouse (traditional baptist) church doesn't have anything for me. nothing.

anyway, i am going to walk down a new path with others who believe that God still moves in the physical, through his saints (that's us in case you have forgotten). i've never seen the gold dust thing, or oil on the hands or feathers, but i am not so closed minded to think that if God wanted to do something like that he could and certainly would. personally in my life right now, i need some of God in the physical. i guess you could argue that i need more faith or whatever, but really i just need more of Him - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - the whole package. And i want to be the whole package. i want to walk in His power and not mine anymore.

on another dj friend that made it big in the business has just accecpted Jesus and is looking to turn his life around and is moving back to kerrville. so it looks like the church on bluebonnet street has a new member.
